Phlebotomy Informed Consent
A blood draw may lead to light-headedness or fainting. It may also cause bruising, prolonged bleeding, and infection at the site where the blood was drawn. In booking to minimize these risks, we will swab the site of the blood draw with alcohol to disinfect the area, use disposable sterile needles and tubes to collect blood, and apply pressure to the site following the blood draw to minimize bruising.
To protect against infection, we will also provide instructions on how to care for the wound and watch it for signs of infection
We require you to agree to the below statements:
- I assume all responsibility for the results of my investigations.
- I agree that The Dynamis Vitae Limited takes no responsibility for my results.
- I am aware that Dynamis Vitae Limited will contact me by telephone, Email or by post if there are any serious life-threatening irregularities with my investigations.
- I understand that I can discuss all investigation results over the phone or online using the ‘GP Online Consultation Service’.
- Dynamis Vitae Limited is not responsible for the patient not labelling their specimens accurately – so please make sure you check that your specimen is labelled appropriately.
- I consent to the GP using their clinical discretion to send any significantly abnormal results to my NHS GP.
- A haematoma (blood clot within the tissues) is a common side effect to having a blood test and I am prepared for this and the consequences of this after any blood test.
- If I have difficult veins, more than one attempt may be necessary.